Although pets are cute, desirable and make our lives more beautiful, they are not toys or ornaments.
They come with responsibilities and expenses (high quality food, vitamins or food supplements, medicines and veterinary treatments, accessories). They are not at all suitable to be given as a gift!

The reasons are as follows:
1. An animal means a great responsibility that can extend for a period of up to 20 years. There are no objects.
2. Even if the pet is a gift (from you) for your child or another family member, you should be aware that you are 100% responsible for the quadruped. Even if adopting an animal is a great way to teach children how to be responsible, you will still need to intervene and take care of most of the responsibilities (cleaning, paying for the pet's needs).
3. All family members who will be living in the house with the pet must be prepared for it and agree with its presence to be involved in its care.
4. You must have the necessary financial resources. If you opt for a puppy, it must be taken into account that the first year of life is financially expensive because the following elements are involved:
health card (25-50 RON)
first vaccination schedule (250-300 RON)
internal and external deworming (100-200 RON)
microchip (50-100 RON)
sterilization / castration (200 - 500 RON)
premium diversified food and vitamins / supplements for harmonious growth
accessories: collar, leash, harness, bowls, toys, crib, carrying cage, litter, sand, etc.
5. It is best to choose your own animal, not others to choose for you.
In addition to the physical appearance of the dog and the actual space you have, it is important to consider your lifestyle, the time you can devote to the animal and its energy level.

Many times, the dogs and cats given as a gift end up being abandoned or neglected in a short time because those who received them were not prepared. If you want a quadruped, it is best to make the decision together, in advance for the new family member.
And we kindly recommend you to adopt an animal, not buy it.