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Dog Collars
Dog Harnesses
Cat Harnesses
Tracking Devices
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Are pet hotels any good?
@Hotel Puppy Land Cluj Many times your travels do not allow you to have your fluffy friend with you, either you are travelling in...

What you need to know when taking your dog for a walk in public
Câinii sunt animale sociale care au nevoie de activitate fizică, de interacațiune cu alți câini și de exploarea locurilor noi. Prin urmare,

The importance of the collar with identification data
A study conducted in America, analyzed 1,015 pet owners over 5 years and shows that: 15% of study participants reported a dog or cat lost...

Closed cat collars
Breakaway, Safety Buckle, Breakfree or Quickrelease Did you know that not all cat collars are safe? If the cat has access outside, the...

The noise of metal lockets is harmful to puppies
Although medallions with identification data prove to be indispensable in the scenario in which the puppy is lost, they can cause a...
Personalized Accessories for Dogs & Cats
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