In these volatile times, it is good to be prepared.
Acts or procedures are not done instantly, each has a shorter or longer waiting time.
A list to help you with everything you need in case of an emergency:
1. Passport for the health card, for dogs, but also for cats, containing a current photo of pets, age, breed, sex, color, if sterilized and your personal data. The number of the chip and the vaccines administered also appear in the passport.
2. Valid vaccines and deworming (detailed list below).
3. Microchip: make a visit to the vet, make sure the chip is active and the data is up to date. Cats can also have a chip, but in Romania there is no national register. It can be left unregistered or registered in the RECS (Electronic Register of Master Dogs) as a dog.
4. Medallion or collar with identification data: name, telephone number, address, always on the dog / cat.
We recommend that the medallions and plaques have a telephone number and that it also contains the country code (+40 for Romania), so that they can be called from any country.
5. Harness and leash to keep animals safe. Cats can also be used to wearing a harness and walking on a leash.
6. Transport cage
7. Dry food for 2-3 days
8. A blanket or towel
9. Muzzle. Even if your dog is not aggressive, it can be useful indoors or required by the authorities. Teach the dog to accept the muzzle and buy a muzzle that is comfortable and allows the dog to breathe easily and drink water or receive food / rewards.

The cat harness can be useful when we have to leave home and we would like to have a safety measure next to the transport cage. The waistcoats are very comfortable and the risk of the cat getting out of them is low.
The waistcoats are very comfortable and the risk of the cat getting out of them is low. All our harnesses come with a custom locket and matching leash. In addition to the name, one or two telephone numbers may be engraved on the medallion.
All our harnesses come with a custom locket. In addition to the name, one or two telephone numbers may be engraved on the medallion
Vaccines and deworming
For Dogs before leaving the country 24 hours.
4. External deworming (carried out no more than 3 months in advance), it is advisable to have it available if needed.
For Cats
1.Polyvalent annual (Canine scabies, Infectious hepatitis, Canine parvovirus, Leptospirosis)
2. The rabies vaccine given in the last 12 months.
3. Internal deworming (carried out no more than 3 months in advance), it is advisable to have internal deworming pills available for administration if needed - ie before leaving the country for a maximum of 24 hours.
4. External deworming (carried out no more than 3 months in advance) - it is also advisable to have it available if needed.
În ciuda celor mai bune măsuri de precauție, animalele de companie se pot pierde cu usurinta în mijlocul unei evacuari, asigurati-va ca aveti toate mijloacele de a-i recupera: medalion, microcip, fotografie.