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Animal safety measures for fireworks season

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

The holiday season is coming, which, unfortunately for our animals, brings some problems. The habit of firing firecrackers and throwing fireworks creates great stress for some puppies and some cats. Even birds and some children or adults are affected by them. The noise is felt much louder by the animals, because they have more sensitive hearing than us.

Many dogs end up getting lost during this time, either escaping from home or jerking and running away when walking on the street or in the woods. Many cats get lost, run away from home or are extremely stressed during the holidays. They can reach great distances from home or hide for days in a row in the same place.

Is your dog afraid of fireworks and firecrackers? Pet Boutique offers tips to help you stay safe.

  1. During this period, do your best to keep the animals indoors or in a place where they cannot escape under any circumstances when you are not supervising them.

  2. Do not leave dogs free on the street, in the woods, or in other unrestricted walks.

  3. Hold the leash tightly when walking. They can shoot all of a sudden and take you by surprise. Additionally, you can use 2 leashes, one attached to the collar, the other to the harness, and one of them you can attach to the belt of the pants or you can fasten it around the waist.

  4. We recommend a personalized collar with your name and phone number or address as an extra precaution. It is much easier to call the number on the collar than to take the dog to the vet for a microchip scan.

  5. Use a tracker when you go for a walk. If you own a Samsung Galaxy or iPhone smartphone, you can attach a tag to your pet's collar or harness. Connect the device to the application on the phone and you will see the distance to the Tag and the direction you need to go on a map.

  6. On December 31st, we recommend that you do not walk the puppies after dark. Also take care of the puppies that are outside, at least one night give them the opportunity to stay indoors (a garage, an outbuilding of the house) or make sure they can not escape from the yard or jump the fence.

  7. In the house you can put music to cover some of the noise created by fireworks.

  8. You can give your puppies something good to eat or chew on this extremely stressful night.

  9. Try to desensitize throughout the year, a few minutes a day. What does this thing mean? Put fireworks in the house. Start with a low volume and gradually increase as the dog is no longer stressed by them. You can find a whole selection of playlists on Youtube.

Is your cat afraid of fireworks and firecrackers? Pet Boutique offers tips to help you stay safe.

  1. Do not leave the cat outside the house, especially when you hear the sounds of fireworks / crackers.

  2. Make sure she has a place to hide or feel safe in the house.

  3. We recommend a personalized collar with name and phone number or address, even for cats that live exclusively in the house. They may get scared and leave the house.

  4. Use a tracker when you go for a walk. If you own a Samsung Galaxy or iPhone smartphone, you can attach a tag to your pet's collar or harness. Connect the device to the application on the phone and you will see the distance to the Tag and the direction you need to go on a map.

  5. On December 31st, we recommend that you leave the cats that are outside in the house (a garage, an outbuilding of the house).

  6. Try to desensitize throughout the year, a few minutes a day. What does this thing mean? Put fireworks in the house. Start with a low volume and gradually increase as the dog is no longer stressed by them. You can find a whole selection of playlists on Youtube.



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